Orange Slice

all touch the moment. Jun 04, 2017

Mindfulness in the moment is essential, even more so in the midst of stress and challenge.  Beauty and delight can give us a moment of connection, of joy, of pause, a reminder of aliveness in front of us.  Food is one way to enter that territory and explore that moment.  Experiment and see what you find when you pause at your next meal.

-          How are you relating to the food you are eating? 

-          What senses is that bite awakening?

-          What happens if you take a moment to savor the experience?



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Washing Dishes Meditation

all touch the moment. May 28, 2017

Part of meditation is being fully present in the moment.  We can do this with repetitive daily tasks like washing dishes, folding laundry, or sweeping the patio.  Like any practice, our minds wander, and we return our mind to the task at hand.  Each step, one after the other, returning, returning.  At first it might seem monotonous.  Making it a practice helps keep each moment fresh, a new moment not quite the same as the last one.

-         What everyday task could you experiment with for this practice? 

-         What do you notice when you do this practice?

-          What happens if you add a slight smile when you practice?




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