Welcome All Who Want to Make a Difference.

Increase your resilience, transform your relationship to your emotions, and engage the stillness deep within yourself. Living from this depth aligns you with your values and allows the best in you to step forward and help create a better world. Your investment in this inner work is an investment in what you – and the world – can become.

Face Change and Challenge with Greater Ease

Bring Mindfulness into Everyday Life

Increase Your Self Compassion


Mindful Resilience™ Classes and Workshops

In-Person Class es in Bloomington, IN


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Mindful Resilience™ Coaching

One-on-one guidance to focus and refine your internal skills and accelerate your progress.  Access greater stillness; increase your resilience; and align with your values, to create a more equitable and compassionate world.


Self-Compassion MP3s for Retreat Participants.

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